domingo, 12 de abril de 2009


This looks really exiting, you have a ________ which is _______ to a ________, the parachute fills with air and lifts you higher and higher into the sky but when you´re up in the air it´s pretty boring because all you can do is ____ there and enjoy the view and at the end you _____ down gently into the water.

The best _____ to do this is in the long rocky coast land. You don´t have to be a strong, all you have to do is float and and ___ yourself along the rocks, this is a good sport for people who are extremely lazy, you´ll see some _____ things under the water: ____ drink-cans, old shoes and you may even see some fish.

This is a very hard work when you´re a _____ when you first stand on the board and trying to pull up the ____, it seems impossible you need keeping your balance on the _____ and you mustn´t be afraid of falling off, if you don´t get wet, try harder, after a _____ lessons, you´ll find that you can stay up longer and travel ______.

The hardest part is getting up on to your feet, you sit in the water, holding the ____ and wait for the boat to pull you up, suddenly the rope ______ and your arms are almost pulled off, then if you´re lucky, you speed across the water, when you can stay longer on a few seconds you start to enjoy it but is an incredibly _______ sport.

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