miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009

MEDIA PROJECT (11th Graders Only)

Project UNIT 2

Uso de recursos tales como casettes, CDs, videocasettes DVD, Celulares con grabador de voz.

La grabación puede ser:

Una Entrevista
Un miniprograma radial
De llamadas e interacción con el público
Presentación de videos
Top 10
Una intervención cómica


Para el próximo viernes 17 quiero un borrador del libreto del texto a grabar, se trabajará sobre esto en la clase.
El trabajo en la misma es calificable

Los 2 videos que he publicado en este post, les dará una pauta sobre el contexto y el uso del lenguaje en este tipo de actividades.

Diagnóstico Individual:(TALLER)

  • Para la clase necesito un informe conjetural escrito, donde Ud cuenten lo que ocurre en ambos videos y lo que crean que allí se hable.
  • Habrá una nota importante al que mejor escrito tenga
  • Intentar palabras en inglés para describir los sucesos.

Un abrazo a todos, y siempre dispuesto para atender inquietudes.

martes, 14 de abril de 2009

EXERCISES (Sólo 6to, 6th Only)

Con las siguientes oraciones en español, utilizar formas simples y progresivas, las palabras en negrilla son los verbos.

1. Mi caballo corre rápido.

2. Patty y Bob van al centro comercial

3. Donny and John participan en un concurso

4. Sandy lee un cuento a solas

5. Robert practica ciclismo

7. Yo como despacio

9. Nosotros desayunamos temprano

10. Mis padres regresan a la noche


Las siguientes palabras en inglés, serán buscadas en clase usando diccionario, esto ayudará a traducir las oraciones de arriba.

  • Run
  • Fast
  • Participate
  • Contest
  • Read
  • Alone
  • Cycling
  • Slow
  • Have Breakfast
  • Evening
  • Come back
  • Early

Hugs and kisses dear tots!!

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009


Red, red wine

Goes to my ____

Makes me ____ that I

Still need her so

Red, red wine

It's up to you

All I can do, I've ___
Memories won't go

Memories won't go

I'd have ____

That with time

______ of you

Would ____ my head

I was ____
Now I find

Just one thing makes me forget

Red, red wine

____ close to me

Don't let me be ____

It's ____ _____ My blue, blue heart

I'd have sworn

That with time

_______ of her

Would ____ my head

I was ____

And I find

Just one thing makes me forget

Red, red wine

Stay close to me

Don't let me be alone

It's tearin' apart

My blue, blue heart


This looks really exiting, you have a ________ which is _______ to a ________, the parachute fills with air and lifts you higher and higher into the sky but when you´re up in the air it´s pretty boring because all you can do is ____ there and enjoy the view and at the end you _____ down gently into the water.

The best _____ to do this is in the long rocky coast land. You don´t have to be a strong, all you have to do is float and and ___ yourself along the rocks, this is a good sport for people who are extremely lazy, you´ll see some _____ things under the water: ____ drink-cans, old shoes and you may even see some fish.

This is a very hard work when you´re a _____ when you first stand on the board and trying to pull up the ____, it seems impossible you need keeping your balance on the _____ and you mustn´t be afraid of falling off, if you don´t get wet, try harder, after a _____ lessons, you´ll find that you can stay up longer and travel ______.

The hardest part is getting up on to your feet, you sit in the water, holding the ____ and wait for the boat to pull you up, suddenly the rope ______ and your arms are almost pulled off, then if you´re lucky, you speed across the water, when you can stay longer on a few seconds you start to enjoy it but is an incredibly _______ sport.